My philosophy is that any yahoo with a credit card can buy a great bottle of wine when money's no object, so the excitement for me comes from finding a great value, and sharing it with you. After all, a terrific wine is made better when shared with friends. (Same with cocktails!)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Four BC Pinot Noirs

Just a quick post before running off to the airport to pick up Mom for what's sure to be a wine-soaked weekend.

Yesterday I tried some BC Pinots at Taylorwood Wines in Yaletown. It was interesting, but there was only one that I really liked. However, since we all enjoy different things, maybe these are more to your taste.

Arrowleaf 2004 $16
Light cherry colour. Fruity, light, not much complexity but refreshing. Fine considering its entry level price.

Church & State 2005 Hollenbach Family Reserve $21
A little more complexity here, with earthy and cherry flavours. I'd step up to this one from the Arrowleaf.

See Ya Later Ranch 2004 $20
Medium cherry colour. I found the tannins a little much for the light body.

Quail's Gate 2005 Family Reserve $40
This has more body than the others (light-medium), well balanced, with fruit and sage flavors. This is the most interesting of the bunch, for sure, but for $40 you can choose from a lot of BC wines.

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